Mission Report: SteamCon II

Con MVP: Little Miss Parasite
SotW: Mr. Fritz

SteamCon II was attended this year by twenty-three soldiers, most from the Cascadian Militia, but with representatives from the Desert Rats and the Seventh Mountain. The invasion proper was held on Saturday, with a booth in Artist Alley providing a stationary propaganda basecamp for the masses to be brainwashed (three booths down from the League of S.T.E.A.M. and across the hall from the main Saturday night concert venue. The base-station had a laptop playing the PSAs and the Music and shared the table with Ugly and FOE’s Steel dispenser, and we managed to successfully distribute over one hundred Dr. Steel buttons, over one hundred colour pamphlets, a number of “doctorsteel.com” click-pens.

The Steel dispenser was a big hit, with a number of people stopping to take pictures of it, and to take the propaganda “straight from Doc’s mouth”. A number of people also asked if Ugly was for sale (we did not sell him) but encouraged them to take as many pictures with the “cute steampunked ugly doll!”

In addition to the stationary location, FUN was distributed amongst those in attendance (in both fun-cards and whoops of laughter) by Amazon1 and Amazon2, wearing the eye-catching uniforms designed by Mr. Fritz and fabricated by Miss Parasite. With the adorable Kids Club members and Baaahb (the electric sheep), cackles of glee followed in the wake of the Toy Soldiers.

However, the capstone of the event was the announcement of Roman and Emily’s engagement on-stage by Captain Robert during the concert. But
of course, when dealing with pirates, there is always the matter of payment. So Mr. Fritz and Amazon2 presented the ‘bribe’ on stage in
full uniform, a captain’s ration keg emblazoned with the Abney Park logo and Robert’s name on the end.

Attendance by:
Manwella and Alexandra, the Toy Soldier Amazons
Mr. Fritz, DB & Holgar
Little Miss Parasite and her sister, Blackraven & FOE
Poetic Fox
Mad Xander
Soldier Andy
Lorien Stormfeather
The Dude
Gillie McKraken

and the Adorable Doctor Steel Kids’ Club members

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About Geoff

Commandant of the Regiment, and Toy Soldier since 2008. Yellowjacket, if it matters.

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