Author Archives: Geoff

About Geoff

Commandant of the Regiment, and Toy Soldier since 2008. Yellowjacket, if it matters.

Incoming Transmission: Robots

Join our bearded administrator on an exploration of our electronic friends: Robots! Have you hugged your robot today?

Toy Soldier Day 2015

Greetings Mountain Soldiers! Today is the closest we have to a national holiday in the Army of Toy Soldiers. Like Star Wars Day or Pi (or Tau) Day, ours is a pun on the date, but is also our call to action. March Fourth, Toy Soldiers! But what do you do to celebrate Toy Soldier…

We’re Back!

A couple of months ago, I accidentally the database behind the Seventh Regiment’s website.  The Whole Thing.   So, we’re back!  I’ll go back and try and rebuild the old posts, but the one thing I learned is that you make backups regularly, THEN delete stuff you think you’re not using.  That way, when you…

Mission Report: MCM Expo May 2014

Met up with Gonzo, Delina, and Airhead at the Hostel on Thursday night. Had a couple of drinks in the bar, but as I had been out to York all day, I was quite a bit beat. The hostel pub was “American” themed, with whiskey drinks served in mason jars, a bust of the Blues…

Pinecone Broadcast #19

This week, Toy Soldier Timmy discovers the extremes of Mother Nature. And then catches on fire. Good thing we can just print another. Aren’t Mascots Grand?

Pinecone Broadcast #18

Incoming Message from the Army of Toy Soldiers

Pinecone Broadcast #17

Halloween is in the offing this month. Join the US Soldiers for Operation: Witch Hunt in Salem, MA, USA on 31 October; and the UK Toy Soldiers can join in on an invasion of MCM Expo in London on 25-27 October.

Pinecone Broadcast #16

Upcoming Invasions, TSU-TV announcements, and a competition with the Foam Defence Corps (FDC)

Pinecone Broadcast #15

This involves Minecraft, and a number of podcast announcements. Also, in this venue, it’s a backpost.

The Archives are Open!

Remember the Good Old Days? When Doctor Steel was producing new videos, publishing new artwork, and other things? Remember the sadness we all felt when “” stopped resolving DNS addresses? Well, so do we.  And it turns out, someone saved all that propaganda! Thanks in no small part to the actions of Sergeant Dutch of…